Sunday, May 23, 2010


Like everyone else I look forward to my weekends. A time to relax, socialize and a time to party like the true rock star that resides within. I am a true believer in working hard and playing extra hard so when the weekends come around I am a willing and ready participant in all that life has to offer. After a long week of work and school I just can’t wait for Friday to come around knowing that I will be able to let loose until Sunday night rolls around and reality steps in and you realize that the week starts all over again. I remember my freshmen year of college, while living on campus the weekend began on Thursday with most of the students either not reporting to Friday classes or attended with hangovers. You readers probable think I am a crazy partier but I just like to hang out and be around friends and family. Sometimes alcohol is involved and sometimes we are just high off of life but most of the time it’s involved. I do love to spend a Saturday night at a club just dancing and socializing. Or a lazy Sunday, hanging out at the park or beach recovering from Saturday night. Aaah the weekends, I wish the entire week just consisted of just weekends. Damn wouldn’t that be fun.

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