Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I believe in today’s society that the future is the only thing that plays a viable role. Everything that we do is for the future. There are those one or two spontaneous moments when we do something pleasing for ourselves or something relaxing that benefits us for that moment but other than that it usually is for the future. I have been told over and over again to create a plan, make goals that will benefit me. Don’t get me wrong I am happy I to make these goals because it adds to my success in many different ways. For example my plans or goals which ever you wish to call is to receive my associate degree at Queensborough then off to a four year college for my bachelors degree in marketing and advertisement. And based on today’s job market I would probably go back to school to receive my masters as well. I would really love to attend an Ivy League school but I guess I haven’t taught that far ahead. But these are just my academic plans; I also have a time line for starting a family, for buy my first car, for getting my first apartment, among many other things. All I know is that along the way my plans may change and I may get derailed but I plan to continue to strive for something.

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