Thursday, May 20, 2010


Over the years I realized I tend to lean on my friends more so than any other group of people in my life. Many times you hear people going to a family member or a mentor for advice but for me, my friends were always there to listen to my bitching and moaning. To begin I am not an open person, I don’t tell people a lot of things because at the end of the day I am afraid of being judged or burdening others with my problems. But when I do share and ask for advice I can honestly say my friends are always there. I personally believe that we all need some kind of counseling or some form of therapy and I think mine is talking to my friends. By just stating the problem and getting it off my chest sometimes feels good. At the end of the day it may not solve the problem but it just lightens the weight a little. Well to my friends, thank you.

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