Monday, May 24, 2010

Ms. Childers

I know your probably reading this blog right now and wondering why the hell did one of you students write about you. But over the years I’ve had many teachers, professors; mentors and I can honestly say you are one of the best. From providing stimulating class discussions to being able to communicate with all your students effectively I believe you are doing a great job. The thing that struck me the most I believe is when I received my first paper back. Attached was a letter pin pointing corrections as well as stating my strengths and weaknesses. I can see that you put thought and time in each letter. I can’t really imagine you doing that for my entire class, not to mention your other classes.

I have a feeling you will do just fine at Queensborough and I can see you being the head of the English department or maybe even the President of the school someday. I think the energy that you give helps the students and also demonstrates inspiration; I just wish more teachers had what you had. Well, continue the great work and see you around campus.

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