Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Naomi and I are family and like some family members we have the same mind. She is my third cousin on my mom side of the family but if anyone asks I just say she is my cousin. We pretty much grew up together even in Guyana then we both migrated over here to the states. We became close and actually started hanging out on a regular base once we became teens and now we pretty much have the same circle of friends. Naomi I would say is a quick thinker. If you are ever playing a game where thinking is required, which is most games, she is the person to have on your team. Many times we are thinking the same things or would say the same things. As we now get older I notice she has a gambling personality. When it comes time to play poker, or cards, or make a bet, she is always down. She also has a hard time finding a good guy. I have told her time and time again her choices in men is horrible. But she is still young, she can make mistakes and still bounce back.

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