Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I figured I’ll write about love, something I don’t know a lot about but what little I know I’ll share. Over the years I have learned that there are different kinds of love. I know I have love for my friends and family. I don’t know how I can prove it but I know if something were to happen to them I will be there in a heartbeat. When it comes to the intimate love that a husband a wife shares or a boyfriend and a girlfriend shares I can honestly say I have never experienced it. I believe love such as that is true and deep. I also believe for one to come to a feeling such as that there are many different levels he or she must go through. All I know is with all the relationships I have had in the past, never have I been in love. I may like someone or trait about them but never has my heart actually skipped a beat from someone. Or what if love hits me smack dab in the face and I don’t know it now because I have never experienced it.

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