Monday, May 24, 2010


The summer is coming and I don’t think I am ready for it. To me the summer means hot and sticky weather along with longer days and nothing to do but work. Yes, there are better parties and everyone is always outside hanging out but the weather is just too much for me. Although I was born in the summer and I migrated from a country where it is summer year round I think I have gotten accustom to the change in climate as well as preferring spring and fall. I love fashion and clothing so I always prefer cooler weather because I can wear hoodies, jackets, and much other apparel designed for the cold air. Also when it is hot I can’t sleep, I have always prefer the room to be cool along with a blanket I am ready for hibernation. I also prefer the other seasons over summer because these seasons I believe bring about beauty and life. For example I believe spring is associated with life because things grow and animals return from a long winter along with new life, or at least that’s what I saw in Disney movies. But at the end of the day I always prefer a nice spring day where I can just walk around and not be bothered with the sun being too hot or having to rehydrate myself. But thank God summer is only a few months.

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