Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I don’t pray as much as I should but I believe prayer is a positive thing that more people need to take part in. I usually pray in times of need which I believe is selfish and I think one of my goals for the future is to make prayer a higher priority. I know many of us usually pray in time of desperate need such as before a test or before an uncontrollable event. I know there are many religions out there with many different gods but I pray to god. I know there is something out there that is responsible for everything and I usually ask for guidance, knowledge, among health and strength. I also believe it’s a little bit of give and take, if you asking good for all of these things you have to give a little of praises, worship, and acknowledgement. I know after I finish praying that I do feel better. I am not sure if it’s because I put my faith in something greater or if it’s just a soothing remedy. All I know is it’s a good feeling and it is one of the things I recommend to many people.

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