Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Friends

I make new friends all the time. I think it’s something we must do to grow as individuals. But this semester I made three new friends in my English 101 class and I think they will be around for awhile. The teacher on the first day of class placed us three in a group together to do group work and from that day on we have hung out in and out of class. I sometimes call us the little United Nations because we have a Latina, a half Chinese, half African American, and two Guyanese which I am one of them. With the crazy jokes to the constant feeling of being alerter before a prank is pulled I feel these three kept me in the class and also kept me coming back.

We have Sherry the shy one. But I honestly don’t think she is shy she is just hiding the craziness better than the rest of us. Then there is Karina who is the jokester of the group who keeps us laughing. And there is Takeria who we tend to make fun of but she is always a good sport about it. She is the oldest and at times I feel like me and her can actually have a real conversation about life and all its depths. For now these friends are keeping me happy and I know we will stay in contact even after we leave Queensborough. Making the college experience more worth it than before.


What calms you down? I have notices when I am stressed or I feel like just relaxing I go to the beach. When I was younger I spent a lot of time at Crossbay a parking out in Queens overlooking the water. From this view point I could see all the way to Coney Island and even parts of Manhattan. Right near the parking lot is a gazebo where we would sit down for hours and talk. We can hear and see the water as the cool breeze rushes over our faces. The smells of the area is not often pleasant depending on the day. But the sun glistening over the water is all that’s need to clam me down.

There aren’t any boats in this bay so we were never bothered with the loud sounds of boat horns. All we heard is the wind and the cars from the high way behind. Many people dump their trash and others make religious sacrifices leaving the beach dirty and the water unclean. Sometimes people would be fishing on the bridge that we cross before turning into the parking lot. But the water will always be calming for me. Today the parking lot is police monitored with fences unlike years ago when I use to be a frequent visitor. I think their presents has taken away from whole experience and feeling for the place.

Pushy People

I believe I wrote about this topic in previous post but I think I need to reiterate it again for those people who didn’t understand the first time. I am sure everyone of you has come across a pushy person before who cannot take no for an answer. I mean at times I can be like that too but I think there is a fine line. I won’t go too much into details or give this person’s identity away but I will say get a life. Always repeating yourself, making yourself look more and more like an asshole everytime. I promised that I wasn’t going to bring up personal problems on here when I first started but I guess this is the perfect place to vent.


Art as always been a part of my life. I remember even I was in elementary school I would come home and spend hours at my desk drawing something or looking at pictures. I remember when I was in art class I would take my time and draw more carefully than the other students. Not to say the other students didn’t care but I also noticed that the teachers praised me more for my projects than they did the other students. Then I got to high school. The high school was an art high school where everyone was creative in his or hers own way. I had to work twice as hard when I did a project. I felt everyone was competing with each other but it kept me on my toes. I did learn a lot those three years in high school and I wish I could continue and have career dealing with art but it’s a field I believe is more competitive than any other. But if I were ever to pursue any kind of art field I think I would like to become a painter or a sculptor. But maybe that’s another life time.

Party Planning

Over the years I started make decision on what I believe to be beautiful and what I believe to be distaste full and many people began to agree with my choices. I also believe myself to be organized when it comes to most cases. I think these two factors is what inspired me to want to become a party planner. So far I haven’t taken any major strives to become a planner but I have happen planned a few events. I drew up a few sketches and advised a few people here and there that I think if I was to ever go into the field full time I would do just fine. And let’s face it in today’s society if we feel we are not going to succeed we don’t pursue that dream.

I think my dream is to own a party planning company where we plan large events such as corporate events, weddings, conferences, and other large get-togethers. I figured when I finish college I would decide whether I want to go into the marketing field or planning field, two things I enjoy doing equally.


I figured I’ll write about love, something I don’t know a lot about but what little I know I’ll share. Over the years I have learned that there are different kinds of love. I know I have love for my friends and family. I don’t know how I can prove it but I know if something were to happen to them I will be there in a heartbeat. When it comes to the intimate love that a husband a wife shares or a boyfriend and a girlfriend shares I can honestly say I have never experienced it. I believe love such as that is true and deep. I also believe for one to come to a feeling such as that there are many different levels he or she must go through. All I know is with all the relationships I have had in the past, never have I been in love. I may like someone or trait about them but never has my heart actually skipped a beat from someone. Or what if love hits me smack dab in the face and I don’t know it now because I have never experienced it.


I feel like now a day’s everyone has facebook. I remember when I first signed up for facebook, none of my current friends had it, or at least not that I knew of. I didn’t even hear about facebook until my freshmen year of college. Back then you couldn’t access it through you phones, or play Farmville, or even pay games like poker and Uno. I remember people telling to get it but I honestly didn’t want to because I thought it was similar to myspace and many of the other social networking sites. I did turn out to be right with each site changing a little here and a little there.

Today I feel like my friends live on facebook. I tried it but all I ended up doing was look at people’s pictures. I look at people I knew in the past and I compare myself to them and it is a very depressing feeling sometimes. I am happy for them but I do wish sometimes that my plans I made five years ago didn’t really work out the way I wanted them to and now I am a little behind. But like many things, facebook has come a long way and I know a lot of businesses are incorporating it into their business. I just hope we can keep up.