Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yummy Yummy in My Tummy

It was the same man that usually delivers. He had the distinctive accent we make fun of but he was a good guy. I see him around the neighborhood peddling around. Ringing doorbells trying to make that extra dollar. I took the bag and ran to my room. Starvation wasn't anywhere near but my lips watered in anticipation. I placed the bag on the bed and I ran to the kitchen to grab a spoon. My lap top was already on the movie I was going to be watching while enjoying this work of art.

I grabbed the bag and I pulled the container out. I could feel the heat from the bottom of the container already radiating onto my cold fingers. I threw my self on the bed with three pillows for support. With the spoon in my mouth and the container in one hand I used my other hand to open the lid. As the lid popped open the steam from inside immediately rose up. Along with the steam came the smell of BBQ. As I placed the lid down the condensation flowed to one side but that wasn't my focus.

The red strips of meat with black spots indicating that it was well done, just the way I like it. The meat wasn't too watered down with the BBQ sauce nor was it too dry that it was rubbery. Each piece cut in strips of one to two inches lay in one direction so my spoon can pick it up with out a problem. It would be ideal to eat with a fork but I was never a fork kind of person so I stuck with the spoon. I saw my first target and i went for it. It was too late and it had no say in the matter so I picked it up with the spoon and into my mouth it went. It felt like heaven and at the moment no one could have said a thing to me because I was in a land of indulgence. It wasn't meaty  nor was it too hot like it sometimes is that I couldn't savor the flavor.

I kept eating and eating until I couldn't eat no more. At the end of the meal I felt like I couldn't move but it sure was worth it and I am sure I will do it again. Can you imagine living an experience when ever you want with a phone call.

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