Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Have you heard the saying that we all must go sometime? I agree with it but what if it wasn't your time yet? I agree that we are all placed on this earth for a reason. The reason may not be as big as finding the cure for AIDS or solving the problem of world hunger but it may be small. Small like helping an elderly person cross the street or giving advice to a person in times of need because you may have gone through the same experience they are going through right now. Everyday you hear on the news of young teens dieing because of gang violance or guy gets ran over by drunken driver. What if these individuals never forfilled their purpose?

On the other hand death is a natural thing and we all must die someday. Its apart of life and we all experience it in our own way. We may know someone that died and an human being we have to learn how to deal with it. At times like these many questions and thoughts usually pop into my head like when will I die or what will happen if someone closer passes away? All these thoughts and questions I consider experience preparing us for that day. I was never afraid of dieing but at times I am afraid of where I might end of after I die. I did mention to my friends that after I die not to be sad and cry but to through a party and be happy. Celebrate my life and the things I did rather then being sad over me being gone.

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