Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Words have tons of meanings. To a person like me who doesn't get offended at the drop of a hat, words at times can just be words. I know to some words mean a lot . Depending on the word and how it is used may cause serious damage, and at times lead to a physical reaction. I've been in many scenarios where jokes are being made but at the end of the day a argument breaks out or someone isn't speaking to another. I sometime think we all need to lesson but at the same time assess what is be said to us and take in what we chose. I know advice such as this can have its negative feed back like that one person who thinks nothing he or she does is wrong or that person who thinks everything he or she is doing is wrong.
Then there is words that are used in a positive way. Words that lifts or spirit, words to motivate, and words that teaches us. These words are not hard to find, there all around us, I believe we just need to open our eyes and realize its right in front of us. Men like Martin Luther King and John F. Kenny used words to lead and to make changes for the betterment of man and I believe we have to power to do the same. We many not have to desire to do it on such as scale as these forefathers but we may be able to influence our kids, neighbors, family, friends, etc. in a positive way.

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