Thursday, April 22, 2010


I never really new the reason Muslim women wore veils but I often wondered how they were able to stand the heat in the summer time. I new it had to do something with religion. From living in the western world I see men and women being defined by what they wear on a daily bases. For example if a man wears a suit or tie we think he comes from money or his job must be supper important. It also has a negative side where we look at women scantly dressed as being promiscuous or trashy. Of course each idea has its exceptions. I did agree with the authors of Muslim Women's League that women should not be judged by what they wear. I personally believe that we all should be free to wear whatever we feel as long as it does not bring harm to another human being. At the end of the day we all look and we all judge. Judging is something that we can't help and its instilled in us. We should wear what we think makes us feel good. Its amazing to me how a veil can cause such discrepancy in one region of the world. To me a woman's hair is part of her beauty and it should be shared with the world. Before I knew anything about veils and the reason for wearing them I had a theory that some man just didn't want other men to look at their wives, hence the veils and others followed. In all retrospects I think my theory still stands but to a certain extent.  

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