Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Neighborhood

Like many neighborhoods over a period of time my neighborhood has changed.  With the effect of time many has moved out and others replaced them. Businesses I was fond of as a child no longer exist. Many were family owned but whatever their reason, weather it may be bankruptcy or relocation new ideas and new faces are always popping up. The houses which line the side street still remain the same along with the gigantic trees in front of every other house. Since many of my friends moved out new families have taken their place but as a young adult I don’t have the same child like quality to run from house to house like I did in the pass knowing everyone along with their business. The sounds and the smells of the area have not changed just the individuals they are derived from. What do I see when I leave my house? The people, the businesses, the sounds, the smell, and the camaraderie between all these entities all vary from day to day but they make up my neighborhood, sometimes bad and sometimes good.

            As I step out of my front door I see the sun beaming down and the light breeze I feel blowing over my face. Because it’s a Saturday many of my neighbors have gone out to run earns leaving only a few cars on each side of the one way street. The trees start to grow leafs from the effect of spring along with the fallen buds scattered on the ground. I begin my walk toward the main avenue which is Jamaica off of my side street. It’s still morning so not many people is outside but the few that were out were either walking to their cars or walking in the same direction I was. I could hear faint sounds coming from open windows, it could either be a television or a radio. Many of the houses with an exception of one apartment building were moderate two family houses. Most had driveways leading to a sizable backyard along with gated front yards.

            I continued my walk but didn’t smell the usual hit of curry in the air, just one of the aromas when living in a neighborhood where Indians are a majority. I walked pass the fire hydrant where many hot summer days were spent cooling off.  At this point if I look up I could see the tracks of the J,M,Z lines. The rust from the old steel holding up the tracks are severely noticeable along with the black rails that line the steps leading down from the Jamaica Center side. I continued my walk almost to the end of the street and under the train tracks when I hear the familiar sounds of a train approaching. If I was on the phone I would have had to put the person on hold knowing that nothing could have been heard by either party because of the roaring of the train on its tracks. I could hear the ding sound indicating the doors to open and the sound of the automated voice saying “this is 121street, next stop 111street, stand clear of the closing doors please” and then a ding, the roaring begins again.

            I stop and look to the left and then to the right. I could see the deli, the laundry mat, the bakery along with other businesses on the opposite side, Because it’s a Saturday I see a few people walking around in front of the laundry mat. As I look further down Jamaica I see the Q56 bus coming to a stop in front of the deli letting people on and off. As I begin my walk toward the left heading to lefferts boulevard to catch the bus I pass the notorious club maracas. The brown paint and the black awning with the club logo on it stand bold for all the people passing by to see.

Although my neighborhood consists of many other streets and avenues, some more populated, this area will always be my neighborhood. I always felt it provided everything I need from entertainment to a place of just hanging out and relaxing. But my neighborhood also provided the many basic necessities such as food, places to wash my cloths, and many different forms of transportation such as the train and the bus. My neighborhood also provided my memories and since I am going to be living there for the next few years I am sure it will continue giving me experiences along with memories I can someday share with others.         

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I never really new the reason Muslim women wore veils but I often wondered how they were able to stand the heat in the summer time. I new it had to do something with religion. From living in the western world I see men and women being defined by what they wear on a daily bases. For example if a man wears a suit or tie we think he comes from money or his job must be supper important. It also has a negative side where we look at women scantly dressed as being promiscuous or trashy. Of course each idea has its exceptions. I did agree with the authors of Muslim Women's League that women should not be judged by what they wear. I personally believe that we all should be free to wear whatever we feel as long as it does not bring harm to another human being. At the end of the day we all look and we all judge. Judging is something that we can't help and its instilled in us. We should wear what we think makes us feel good. Its amazing to me how a veil can cause such discrepancy in one region of the world. To me a woman's hair is part of her beauty and it should be shared with the world. Before I knew anything about veils and the reason for wearing them I had a theory that some man just didn't want other men to look at their wives, hence the veils and others followed. In all retrospects I think my theory still stands but to a certain extent.  

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Words have tons of meanings. To a person like me who doesn't get offended at the drop of a hat, words at times can just be words. I know to some words mean a lot . Depending on the word and how it is used may cause serious damage, and at times lead to a physical reaction. I've been in many scenarios where jokes are being made but at the end of the day a argument breaks out or someone isn't speaking to another. I sometime think we all need to lesson but at the same time assess what is be said to us and take in what we chose. I know advice such as this can have its negative feed back like that one person who thinks nothing he or she does is wrong or that person who thinks everything he or she is doing is wrong.
Then there is words that are used in a positive way. Words that lifts or spirit, words to motivate, and words that teaches us. These words are not hard to find, there all around us, I believe we just need to open our eyes and realize its right in front of us. Men like Martin Luther King and John F. Kenny used words to lead and to make changes for the betterment of man and I believe we have to power to do the same. We many not have to desire to do it on such as scale as these forefathers but we may be able to influence our kids, neighbors, family, friends, etc. in a positive way.


Have you heard the saying that we all must go sometime? I agree with it but what if it wasn't your time yet? I agree that we are all placed on this earth for a reason. The reason may not be as big as finding the cure for AIDS or solving the problem of world hunger but it may be small. Small like helping an elderly person cross the street or giving advice to a person in times of need because you may have gone through the same experience they are going through right now. Everyday you hear on the news of young teens dieing because of gang violance or guy gets ran over by drunken driver. What if these individuals never forfilled their purpose?

On the other hand death is a natural thing and we all must die someday. Its apart of life and we all experience it in our own way. We may know someone that died and an human being we have to learn how to deal with it. At times like these many questions and thoughts usually pop into my head like when will I die or what will happen if someone closer passes away? All these thoughts and questions I consider experience preparing us for that day. I was never afraid of dieing but at times I am afraid of where I might end of after I die. I did mention to my friends that after I die not to be sad and cry but to through a party and be happy. Celebrate my life and the things I did rather then being sad over me being gone.

Yummy Yummy in My Tummy

It was the same man that usually delivers. He had the distinctive accent we make fun of but he was a good guy. I see him around the neighborhood peddling around. Ringing doorbells trying to make that extra dollar. I took the bag and ran to my room. Starvation wasn't anywhere near but my lips watered in anticipation. I placed the bag on the bed and I ran to the kitchen to grab a spoon. My lap top was already on the movie I was going to be watching while enjoying this work of art.

I grabbed the bag and I pulled the container out. I could feel the heat from the bottom of the container already radiating onto my cold fingers. I threw my self on the bed with three pillows for support. With the spoon in my mouth and the container in one hand I used my other hand to open the lid. As the lid popped open the steam from inside immediately rose up. Along with the steam came the smell of BBQ. As I placed the lid down the condensation flowed to one side but that wasn't my focus.

The red strips of meat with black spots indicating that it was well done, just the way I like it. The meat wasn't too watered down with the BBQ sauce nor was it too dry that it was rubbery. Each piece cut in strips of one to two inches lay in one direction so my spoon can pick it up with out a problem. It would be ideal to eat with a fork but I was never a fork kind of person so I stuck with the spoon. I saw my first target and i went for it. It was too late and it had no say in the matter so I picked it up with the spoon and into my mouth it went. It felt like heaven and at the moment no one could have said a thing to me because I was in a land of indulgence. It wasn't meaty  nor was it too hot like it sometimes is that I couldn't savor the flavor.

I kept eating and eating until I couldn't eat no more. At the end of the meal I felt like I couldn't move but it sure was worth it and I am sure I will do it again. Can you imagine living an experience when ever you want with a phone call.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Porno, the thing we watch in the privacy of our homes, the thing we make fun of with our friends, the thing we hope to get a few pointers from. The porn industry is a billion dollar industry and if someone was to tell me they never saw or glimpsed at a x-rated image or video I think I would laugh in their face. Whether in the movies, magazines, or any form of writing we've all came across some form of adult entertainment. Years ago pornographic materials were considered anything explicit such as a nude image to someone wearing a swim suit.

You may think I'm a perv but I can honestly and truthfully say that I've watched my share of porn. I remember when I was younger watching it and being so intrigued and wondering if people actually do stuff like that. Over the years I've come to realized that its kinda boring because its the same things done over and over again. Or maybe I haven't seen the right one.

To those who blame porn on prostitution, rape, and other sexual acts of violence I think your wrong. I personally believe if an individual has an urge he or she will do whatever it takes, sometimes unknowingly to satisfy that urge. Yes, porn may increase that urge but God created us with the ability to make choices. Some just make bad choices that is unfortunate because it may affect others.


Everyday is an experience, some more memorable than others. I personally believe we remember the negative more than the positive because it affects us more. Experiences are meant to be learned from and to share with others so that in the future they don't make the same mistakes as yourself. I never had someone tell me I wasn't good enough or someone telling me I couldn't do something. I never had any major acts of violence against me so you can say I haven't had many of the same experiences of my peers or people in the past. But like many others I've experienced lost, sickness, unhealthy indulgences among other negative things we as humans grow from.

I can honestly say I grew up shielded from things some of my peers went through such as gang violence, poverty, and abandonment. I know as individuals they may be stronger than myself. In a strange and twisted world I am happy they went through what they did because it made them into what they are today which is good folks getting by in life.