Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill Queens, home of no one famous or anyone you know. Richmond Hill Queens, my home. Regardless of the places I've visited or lived Richmond Hill Queens will always be my home. It consists of a vast area but growing up it meant a five to six block radius of my house. From Queens Library on Lefferts blvd to P.S.54 on one twenty seven street. But mostly my neighborhood consisted of my block, the street I grew up on and spent a majority of my childhood. Although I don't spend as much time as I did before, this place will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Growing up I knew everyone that lived on the block, even the old people that lived a few houses down and never left their houses. I remember playing hid and seek in their back yard once with Tommy, Alexie, and Hector and getting caught. They said they were going to call the cops but we promised to never do it again. Deep down I know they weren't kidding and over the years we didn't test them. 

At one point everyone use to be outside when the weather was nice outside. Today things have changed. Many of the guys who I played man hunt with moved away. The guys that pretended to be WWF superstars began families of their own. No one opens the fire hydrant anymore because the city got smart and placed a lock on each hydrant. It even got the point now that I don't even know who's living a few houses down.

 Back in the day parents would leave their kids outside to play and not have a worry about someone coming and taking them or the kids doing something they weren't suppose to do. I now notice the few kids that do play outside is always supervised by an adult. I do understand the importance of adult supervison but it goes to show times and how it has changed. Sometimes I wish we could go back to the way things were.  

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