Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fairy Tales

Do you remember when you were little and you wanted to be like Cinderella or wanted to be the prince that saved Cinderella from her evil step mother and sisters? Growing up fairy tales played an important part in my life and I'm sure they played a role in other kids life as well. Fairy tales whether read or watched in a movie opened my eyes to the world of good and evil. These stories such as Cinderella and Snow White, among many others showed that there were two sides. Of course in the movies the good always wins and you were compelled to be one of the good guys. You were lead down that road of being a hero and saving the damsel in distress.

But what if as a child Cinderella never left her step mothers house and her prince never found her? And what about Snow White? What if that oh so magical kiss which was supposed to wake her never woke her? Will kids perceptions on life still be the same? I personally believe we will have a lot more kids growing up before their time. Learning the hard lesson of life, things not always working our the way we want them to. I also believe we as a society might change as a whole.

I'm not sure how great an impact fairy tales played in other peoples lives but they played a major role for my psychological up-bringing. I remember after watching a movie it lifted my spirits and made me feel like doing something courageous. It gave me that warm fuzzy feeling inside that the world is once again a better place.

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