Friday, February 5, 2010


In my life I can say I've meet alot of people and I know I have tons more to meet. But its not after you get to know someone that you notice their habits. Some habits good and some bad but at the end of the day these habits can be annoying. I know I have a few bad habits some more bad than others. If you know me you may or may not have noticed but I have to lick my fingures after I eat, which I consider rude espesially if in the company of others. Then there are those habits like smoking that you just can't get rid of. And what about the habit of texting while someone is talking to you. Everyone have there own habits that get on there nerves, what gets on your nerves?

1 comment:

  1. YOU get on my nerves!...just kidding =) but really, someone who thinks they know everything and they debate everything you say and in reality they just sound so extremely DUMB because they always think their right. THAT gets on my nerves.
