Its summer time and the sun’s rays feel like standing in an oven. I woke up until around one which is a summer time norm and didn’t leave the house until around four. Before leaving the house I looked out the door to see if anyone is outside but with no luck I stuck my head back in the door. I can feel sweat dripping down the back of my neck, I guess it’s back to watching more TV. Its four o’clock thunder cats are going to show, something to keep me occupied for the next half hour.
After the show I stuck my head out the front down again, I see Michael and Adrian in front of their house. The cool thing with their house is it has a shed in front so we were shielded from the sun. I walked over and I can see Hector walking in the same direction as me. I opened Michael and Adrian’s gate and walked in with Hector behind me. The old mattress leaning against the wall and a metal chair by the front fence, its five now and I wondered where the rest of the guys were. We sat and talked about going back to school. It’s funny because in the summer we sat and talked about school and couldn’t wait to go back to school and when school started we sat and talked about the up and coming summer and couldn’t wait for it to come, never satisfied. The sun started going down which meant we would be starting soon. A few other guys joined us, Julio, Erin, Tinko. We were never organized enough to know what was going to happen but once someone pushed someone or if one of the young ones like myself argued back all hell broke loose. The mattress was thrown to the ground and I am maneuvered into a head lock.
I look over and I see Michael imitating “The Rock” and laying a smack down on Hector. The older one’s never fought each other but always fought one of the younger ones because we were lighter and much more flexible. Julio runs up the side stairs and jumped on to the shed like a monkey man. Next thing I know he’s flying down on top of Hector where him and Michael is double teaming poor Hector, poor kid is taking it like a champ. I felt someone twisting my leg behind me and looked around to see Erin trying to break my leg off. I screamed for dear life but no one helped. The tears were coming and boy did they come. The bastard finally let go and everyone continued like it never happened. It wasn’t the first time I cried and I know it wouldn’t be the last time either. We continue like this for the next hour or so until everyone is dripping in sweat and can’t breathe anymore. Then Michael picked up the mattress and placed it back on the walk for the next day while we all filed out the gate and walked down the block to the store to buy cheap sugar juices and twenty five cent chips.

Gobin, no offense or anything but this is extremely good. I'm surprised you can write like this. There are a few grammatical errors but overall it was really good, not to mention hilarious because i can imagine you crying. =)
ReplyDeletegrammer, grammer, grammer.......who needs it?
ReplyDeleteeveryone needs grammer bro, but I must agree with Lisa on this one you really did a great job telling the story...