I find my friends amazing and interesting all at the same time. That's why I've choosen to post a few entries based on a few of them. At times they drive me crazy and at times I just want to hold them and never let go. I hope they don't get mad based on these few simple words I share with you all to explain my feeling towards them. The first person I have to talk about will have to be Lisa. Sometimes she makes me want to jump off a building and sometimes we sit and talk for hours and yet I'm still not bored with her.

I guess I should begin with the first time I meet her. You would think a date as important as that I would remember but its me and I don't. What I do remember is thinking how pretty she was and still is. I also remember trying to make her laugh. I remember sitting across from her and with her cousin Justina next to her telling me I'm stupid. We were young back then, even before high school I think. We were having lunch at my church which she doesn't even go to. That same day I sang in the chior and I remember seeing her laugh at me. I don't know if she thought I looked funny or if she was just ammused at the thought of me being in the chior.

Over the years we've gone to parties to, hung out at each others houses, and she grew on me. These days I spend more of my time off at her house then I do at my house. I love her parents because they make me feel at home. I can never leave her house with an empty belly or without a few laughs. Her sisters kids I think are the cutest kids you'll ever see. When they were younger I got so accustomed to the little one throwing up all over me that when he didn't I kinda missed it.
One of the many reasons Lisa and I have remained friends over the years is I believe we have alot in common and were not afriad to voice our opinions. We've never really had a fight which I find weird but I guess thats a good thing. We will disagree at times and then get loud with each other but then its just funny to us and we laugh it off.
At times I call her my wife, at times I call her that crazy person, and at times shes the person I vent to. I remember the time Justina, Lisa, and myself went to a wedding in New Jersey and we decided to walk around. We sat in a beautiful park on a sunny summer day and me made plans to get married. When she reach the age of 23 and I reach the age of 25 we will get married. if no one of significance come into our lifes by then we will get married. I don't know if our little game will hold up in a few years but as I get older and the time is getting near the reality of the situation doesn't scare me as much as I use to be.
Your all probably wondering if there is anything I dislike about lisa, well there is. The first is probably her lack of time management. If we are going out I try to get her to start getting dress about two to three hours before its time to leave. Oh yea the fact that she loves to bother, I don't know if I should hate it or love it. But I've learned to bother back which is great because nothing is better than us two messing with each other, then we get bored and mess with other people.

Lisa, I know your going to read this so don't get freaked out and don't think I'm some weirdo. But I do hope things will continue the way they are, I can honestly say you've helped me in my life journey and I am glad to have meet you in this life time. Maybe in the next life when we meet you'll be more crazy and more amazing.