Tuesday, March 16, 2010


As a young adult going to school is all I know. I've always gone to school and at times feel like I will be in school for the rest of my life. Although I work a minimum wage job now while attending school I feel like this is my life. From the age of sixteen I've always had a part time or full time job and attended school full time. I know the real reasons I should stay in school and benefits it will have after I finish but at times wish there was a lope hole.

I know after I finish college it will be easier to get a higher paying job rather than work for minimum wage job where there is about 50 million bosses before I get to the top. Then there is always that barricaded blocking me from the top because I don't have a college degree and they rather hire someone from outside because they feel that there expertise will benefit the company better than a person who has been there for tens of years. Don't get me wrong I do see where they may be going with this whole bringing in new ideas thing but I don' think its fair to the people inside the company.

I remember in health class the teacher saying that to maintain a healthy life style we must always keep learning something. I guess this could be my way of keeping my mind active and always learning something. But what will happen after I graduate college and I find a job but all the skills I've been taught in my four years are useless? What if college is a wast?


Being back to school for the first semester in a long time I felt like I had to get back in the swing of things. I guess I've been away from school too long. Back to homework, tests, lectures, and oh did I mention tests. For some odd reason no matter how hard I study for a test I never feel prepared enough. Sometimes I'll score a really good grade and sometimes I'll just bomb the whole thing. Oh did I mention that the results might be the same weather I studied or not.

As of last week I had three tests and one paper which consumes the same amount of time and preparation for a test. For some reason I think all the Queensborough teachers sit around and decide when to give a test and they all give a test on the same exact week. I think to say "welcome to the real world you bunch of slackers who should be in a four year school but your lazy asses are here so we're going to punish you". Well I don't think their actually saying that but let me just amuse myself.

It wasn't all their faults because I should have prepared a few weeks a head of time rather leaving all the studying for last minute. I studied and studied and after it was all said and done I was so pumped that I was ready to continue. But the semester is almost coming to the middle and I feel like we just started. I hope I'm more ready nest time and I'll try to prepare ahead of time.

OK enough bitching about my life now more writing about things of more significance.  

I Believe

I believe in God.
I believe i will someday be successful.
I believe that whatever you do now will show later.
I believe all men have some good in them.
I believe the skis the limit.
I believe trust most be gained.
I believe beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I believe hard work will lead to self satisfaction.
I believe in love.
I believe with age comes knowledge.
I believe we never stop learning.
I believe men can change based on his experience.
I believe in being fair.
I believe in life outside this galaxy.
I believe in cycles.
I believe love is a word we use to loosely.
I believe character can be built.
I believe religion was created by men and shows that men has the power to seperate.
I believe in a sixth sense.
I believe God is always watching.
I believe wealth is measurable by an individual.
I believe money can change people.
I believe friends and family keep me grounded.
I believe the world is a small place.
I believe laughter is the way to a person's heart.
I believe men were created in the Garden of Eden.
I believe music is universal.
I believe the heart is like a child and doesn't know what it wants.
I believe we are all children in the eye of God.
I believe devastation bring people together.
I believe politics is corrupt.
I believe change begins with self.
I believe I will someday travel the world.
I believe in Karma.
I believe words can hurt more than physical abuse.
I believe the future is bright.
I believe life is too short.
I believe men are inquisitive. 
I believe our justice system isn't fair.